The indictment of Attorney General Eric Holder misses a point. One reason cited, is that the family of the slain American border agent deserve an investigation. Which is not to say this shouldn’t be investigated, but the politically selective use of this governmental responsibility just keeps a broken system going.
The family of Pat Tillman certainly deserved an investigation which his mother had to undertake, because the government refused to investigate. Where were the Republican calls for that family? They were mute.
Shortly after the invasion of Iraq, trucks full of pallets of cash and weapons just disappeared into thin air. This certainly warranted inquiry, but of course resulted in no investigations and no indictments, as the republicans ran the war.
The US has just sold $10 billion in military equipment to Saudi Arabia who is now supplying the rebels in Syria. Anyone keeping track of those weapons supplied by the US?
The Pentagon Papers proved that what the government knows, and what they tell us, are two different things. In light of this, we should understand that the government lies to us about everything, in this case the misappropriations of guns.
Blackwater Security was accused of killing innocent Iraqis. The investigation was silenced. That’s why this indictment is so hypocritical.
Mark Shields suggests this is political, stating Eric Holder is a nemesis and adversary to voter ID laws.
Guns, weapons and wars are some of the most lucrative businesses in the world. The current Republican indignation isn’t going to change it. That’s the sad part.
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