Monday, July 16, 2012

Season of campaign cash

David Brooks said on the NewsHour, that the huge amounts of money being spent on the presidential election will not have any influence. Now why would the wealthy and the powerful spend millions when it won’t have any effect? Why don’t they spend that money on charities or veteran’s organizations where their money would have a huge effect? It doesn’t make sense, but then again we live in unreasonable and non sensical times; and that’s why David Brooks expects people to believe something that just isn’t true, such as the wealthy will spend millions and billions for nothing while expecting no results.

The laws of science state that for every action there’s an equal and opposite reaction. Spending millions and billions on elections will most assuredly have an effect, and it’s irrational to believe it won’t. It’s a well proven and practiced concept that more money spent on advertising increases sales. If your message is the only one heard, or your message drowns out the opposition, you’re golden. If your message is the only message the consumer/voter hears, they have no choice.

Nobody spends money for nothing, and that’s the reality of the situation. We haven’t seen the end results of all this campaign cash yet; the laws of human nature dictate it will turn government by the people and for the people into a government of the Corporation, by the corporation, for the corporation, just as Eisenhower predicted; Military/Industrial Complex here we come.

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