Monday, February 22, 2010

Deficit Deceit

Thomas Jefferson said to question everything, which is why I question this new concerted effort by the administration to look into the federal deficit.

One area the task force will be looking at are reductions in “entitlement” programs or raising taxes or both. By calling Medicare and Social Security entitlement programs, it makes it sound like a government hand-out when in fact these programs funds are due to what tax payers have already paid into the system. Rather than entitlements they should call them obligations. The government is obligated to give the citizens the money they’ve paid into these insurance programs.

Another question is the deceit in looking at these programs in the first place. William Greider writes in the Nation magazine-”Does the government have money problems? Don’t restore the progressive income tax on the wealthy or capital: don’t cut away corporate boodle in the budget, too difficult politically. Instead, let’s whack Social Security while folks aren’t watching”.

Never mind the 13 trillion this administration has given to the banks and the trillions we’re spending on war, it‘s entitlement programs which are the problem.

Decreasing taxes on the wealthy while increasing our bills and we can see why the country has a soaring deficit.

Corporations create the issues and own the media. Precisely why we should question this quest to concentrate on the deficit.

Big Brother is certainly here now, and he's broadcasting with his bull horn.

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