Sunday, February 28, 2010

Deficit Deceit Part 2

Quoting William Greider in the Nation magazine, retired mogul Pete Peterson who accumulated his wealth at Blackstone Group, the notorious takeover firm, has now invented a “news service” to promote his advocacy about shrinking Social Security, the only retirement system available to working people. Social Security is actually a savings account where we all pay while we work, so we’ll have a pittance when we retire.

Now, “The retired mogul has created a digital news agency he dubs the Fiscal Times while hooking up with the Washington Post, who has agreed to “jointly produce content focusing on budget and fiscal issues“.

According to the article, Peterson believes Congress should create a commission of eighteen, empowered to make the “tough decisions” politicians are loathe to face; slashing benefits; raising payroll taxes or both.”

And presto look, there’s a presidential commission on the budget.The article goes on further to say that Peterson has two Senate advocates- Kent Conrad and Judd Gregg. Two Senators slated to be on the commission are lo and behold Conrad and Gregg. What a coincidence.

Money talks and when it does politicians listen. It’s billionaires like Pete Peterson doing the talking while the rest of us do the walking.

By the most galling point is; where do the people like Peterson amass these billions? From us, the same citizens whose Social Security benefits he wants to slash. Then they turn around and buy Congress with our money and call it democracy in action. Our democracy is bankrupt already, most just don’t know it.

But now it’s too late, the Pete Petersons of the nation own our government. We the people no longer have a government of the people, by the people and for the people. It’s now a government ‘of the corporations, by the corporations and for the corporations.’

Just watch the Financial Times or read the Washington Post and you’ll see only the news the billionaires want us to hear, rather than informing us on how these same billionaires are bringing financial ruin and enslavement to the rest of us.

So when the findings of this commission are out, of course they will be Pete Peterson’s findings recommending the re-organization, (dismantling) of our Social Security system, which will be the final Death-throes of our Democracy.

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