Sunday, September 6, 2009

Corporate Clowns Speakin' Out

We shouldn’t trust the propaganda coming out of the corporate mouthpieces on TV. When sixty percent of media coverage was spent on the outrageous orchestrated antics at Town Hall meetings, and not the real content in health insurance reform, they’re not reporting on the real issues. We react to the propaganda thrown out by the TV media and repeat it as our own thoughts no matter how outlandish it may be. For some, the more outlandish the better. It’s a dog and pony show to get us to react with emotions first, and think second. By the time we have a chance to think it’ll be too late.

Citizens repeat ludicrous concerns, such as fearing a redistribution of wealth lurking behind the health insurance reform bill. The transference of wealth has already occurred, it’s been transferred from our pockets to the pockets of the insurance companies. Where do the insurance companies get this money? From us in the outrageous and ever increasing premiums and sky rocketing deductibles we’re forced to pay.

Insurance companies are in control. If the Democrats control the House and Senate why can’t they pass this bill? Because Blue Dog Democrats are blocking it, due to the enormous amounts of money flowing from the insurance companies lobbyists into the their campaign coffers.

The size of one health insurance reform bill is over one thousand pages so lots of people are up in arms. These same people forget that during the Bush administration Treasury Secretary Paulson sent a three page memo to Congress with no time for Town Hall meetings to transfer 700 billion dollars from us to the banks, no questions asked. We didn’t mind giving away three quarters of a trillion in less than a year, but when it‘s one trillion over ten years and a thousand pages, look at the orchestrated outrage.

Another repeated mantra is the cap and trade tax, oh it’s gonna destroy thousands of jobs in this country. Take a look at the health insurance monopoly UnitedHealth Care. They outsource their call center to India, which takes away thousands of jobs, but that’s just doing business in a global economy so that‘s acceptable. Where is the political outrage over that loss of American jobs? There isn’t any.

We’re told health insurance reform has to include tort reform so doctors won’t have to practice defensive medicine. On the one hand we trust the doctors so much we believe malpractice insurance is too high and a great burden. But then on the other hand insurance companies dictate to these same doctors which procedures, tests, and medicines may be prescribed for us. Insurance companies trust doctors enough to lower their malpractice insurance, but don’t trust them as treating physicians to diagnose our illnesses and cure our sickness.

Don’t listen to these circus clowns who along with compliant politicians dispense with the facts to frame all politics as emotional issues. We deserve better than that.

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