Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Voting for Victory

According to the book “Blowback The Costs and Consequences of American Empire” by Chalmers Johnson, President Carter signed a directive ordering secret aid to the forces who were against the Soviet controlled government in Kabul, the Mujahadeen, on July 3 1979. The National Security advisor to Carter states he wrote a note to the president “in which I explained to him that in my opinion this aid was going to induce a Soviet military intervention” and “we now have the opportunity of giving the USSR its Vietnam War.”

Robert Gates present Secretary of Defense corroborated this early aid in his 1996 memoirs where he stated that the US started supplying aid to the mujahadeen six months prior to the Soviet invasion on December 24, 1979.

We goaded the Soviets into Afghanistan to defeat the Russians and win the Cold War. Today we are faced with another Vietnam with Bin Laden doing to us what we did to the Soviets.

Bruce Riedel states in his book “The Search for Al Qaeda” that Bin Laden calls 9-11 the “Manhattan Raid” and wants Afghanistan to collapse the American empire just like it collapsed the Soviet empire.

Many think it was the Bush administration and their torture tactics which has prevented another attack: perhaps we haven’t been attacked because Bin Laden has us right where he wants us; his trail of breadcrumbs led us right to Afghanistan, where many parts of the country are still in the Fourth Century. And we’re going to bring them democracy and the vote? Like hell we are.

The scary part is that the US military said the measure of victory will be counted with the number of people who voted in Afghanistan’s recent elections.

There was voting in South Vietnam during the Vietnam war and we saw how well that voting for victory worked out. Now we are repeating history in Afghanistan with massive voter fraud to “re-elect” another American puppet. The result will be a combination of Viet Nam/ and Russia’s Afghanistan experience. No one wins in Afghanistan, ever, just ask Alexander the great & the Russians. Scientifically speaking, Afghanistan is a Black Hole. It swallows everything, and has absolutely no value…except to Big Oil, the Defense Contractors, Halliburton, KBR and Blackwater Security.

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