Thursday, July 9, 2009

Cap and Trade Taxes

One aspect of the American Clean Energy and Security Bill is the Cap and Trade tax about energy corporations being required to purchase permits for the amount of pollutants they emit. The higher the output the higher the number of permits will be required.

Representative John Boehner said that the cap and trade tax will put small businesses out of business and cost American jobs. Republican Eric Cantor said this bill will impose an energy tax on people and repeated the mantra of putting small businesses out of business. The price of health insurance is preventing small businesses from hiring Americans yet we don’t hear any outrage against that. But when we try to tax the energy industry well, don’t the howls go up then.

Thanks to the good servants of Big Oil who worry about the cap and trade tax affecting small businesses the oil companies are allowed to contaminate, sicken and destroy lives with the poison their antiquated refineries belch into neighborhoods in California cities. Their refineries are old, decrepit and in need of repair. Big Oil and their market propaganda has been able to shift the focus and blame their steadfast refusal to update their refineries onto the backs of the tree huggers across the country. And it’s worked, many believe Big Oil’s propaganda. How many jobs would updating oil refineries create, how much cleaner would the air be with more efficient refineries? Not only is Big Oil polluting our earth they’re charging us top dollar for a necessity like oil for heat and gasoline for cars.

The Democrat’s dance, saying they’re creating a bill for the public good and the Republican’s dance says the Democrats are going to tax you more and we’re here to say we told you so.

In the end, any public good this bill may have in it will result with us paying more in taxes, Big Oil and Big Energy will see to that, and continue with their insane profits. Just like the US government subsidizes Big Oil for the share the OPEC countries charge for their oil, Big Energy will make sure we subsidize any penalties they pay.

Big Business will not pay the price for their pollution, we will; not only in taxes but with the additional suffering destroying the earth’s resources will bring us.

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