Sunday, June 28, 2009

Big Brother Insurance

Many are saying this government funded health insurance plan is the first step to nationalized medicine with a socialist bent. It’s not socialism at all, but Big Brother.

The Democratic House plan is to mandate that all citizens have medical insurance and the insurance companies are going to drop the pre-existing clause. This is what the insurance companies want, they’ve already said as much.

The Democratic House plan includes new taxes on health insurance benefits (ha what benefits), taxes on sugared drinks and alcohol. Not only will we continue to pay exorbitant prices for medical insurance, if this plan passes we’ll all be paying more of our taxes into the insurance companies. This is not socialism but oligarchy.

Thomas Jefferson believed one role of government was to prevent corporations from “taking the bread out of the mouth of labor who has earned it”.

It’s up to the government to ensure healthy competition amongst these insurance companies and to prevent them from turning medical insurance into industrialized mega-corporations; consolidation of too much market share leads to exploitation, which is why the price of health insurance is too high and prohibitive to so many.

Supposedly this government funded plan is intended to promote competition amongst insurance companies to bring down the cost of health insurance. Healthy competition keeps prices low. We don’t have healthy competition and that’s why our economy is so sick and insurance premiums too high.

Why is it that the only way we can get out from under the merciless control insurance companies have over us is by paying more?

In addition to the sinfully extreme cost of medical insurance Americans are forced to pay now, the American taxpayer will be forced to pay even higher premiums and drug costs. Why does an inhaler in Canada cost $12 a month while the very same inhaler costs $160 a month in the US?

The insurance companies are not going to lose money, no matter what plan the federal government creates. As a matter of fact, they’ll be making more money and we still won’t see equality in health insurance; and that‘s the plan of the corporate crooks, the minority who own our government, Big Brother, there‘s no socialism about it.



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