Sunday, December 2, 2012

Pretend Outrage

An article in the Nation magazine written by Jeremy Scahill states, “I would not say that the CIA has been taken over by the military, but I would say that the CIA has become more militarized,” Philip Giraldi, a retired career case officer, told The Nation. “A considerable part of the CIA budget is now no longer spying; it’s supporting paramilitaries who work closely with JSOC to kill terrorists, and to run the drone program.” the CIA, he added, “is a killing machine now.”

“Giraldi noted on the “long term consequence” of the militarization of the CIA: “every bureaucracy in the world is best at protecting itself. So once the CIA becomes a paramilitary organization, there’s going to be built in pressure to keep going in that direction. Because you’ll have people at senior levels in the organization who have come up that way and are protective of what they see as their turf,” he told me. “That’s the big danger.”

In light of this, was Libya a CIA operation? Is anyone asking this question? Does anyone care to know the answer? Obviously not, the issue is who said what and when. That’s the sad part; we do not know what our government is doing. James Madison said, “a people who mean to be their own governors must arm themselves with the power knowledge gives”.

We are powerless, we lack the knowledge of what the CIA is really doing. If the deficit is so important, is anyone inquiring into how much this militarization of the CIA is costing tax payers? These are some of the questions the Republicans should be asking. But they’re not asking these questions because they’re too busy performing in the political theatre of ‘pretend outrage’ directed at Susan Rice.

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