Juan Cole; Professor at the University of Michigan states-”Drone strikes, electronic surveillance and stealth engagements by military units such as the Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC), as well as dependence of private corporations, mercenary armies and terrorist groups, are now arguably more common tools of US foreign policy than conventional warfare or diplomacy.”
Jeremy Scahill, interviewing the commander of government forces in Yemen about the devastating attack by militants in 2011, the commander said as the Yemeni military began fighting the militants, the men from Yemen’s Central Security Forces (CSF) fled, abandoning heavy weaponry as they retreated, leaving behind heavy artillery pieces, modern antiaircraft weapons, a number of tanks and armored transports in addition to large quantities of different kinds of ammunition. When the Yemeni forces tried to repel the militants in early June, they were attacked by the militants using artillery seized from the CSF units”. The counter terrorism unit is armed, trained and funded by the United States.
From the AP March 11, 2012-”Officials warn that the group (AQAP) has taken broad advantage of the unrest in Yemen to expand its foothold in the south, capture weapons, ammunition and equipment and score successes against the Yemeni military. “
From the same AP article, “While no agreements have been cemented, U. S. defense officials said the Pentagon and the State Department are putting together as much as $75 million in military assistance which could begin to flow this year.” Oh that’s right, since they have a “new” government, we can start sending them money again, it’s that easy!
An article in the Nation magazine said Ron Paul’s largest donor founded a controversial defense contractor Palantir Technologies. “The company profits from government espionage work for the CIA, the FBI and other agencies. Last year it was caught organizing an illegal spy ring targeting opponents of the US Chamber of Commerce.”
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said the US will supply rebels in Syria with intelligence. Which contractor is going to be gathering the “intelligence” to be supplied?
We have money for contractors and mercenaries, but the GOP wants to cut back on food stamps to prevent cuts to the defense Department. From the AP 4-18-12 “Republicans controlling the House are eyeing big cut to food stamps as they piece together legislation to trim $261 billion from the federal budget over the next decade, hoping to forestall major Pentagon cutbacks.
Government is being privatized but the privateers have convinced everyone that food stamps are a major cause of government deficit. Never mind all the defense, security and “intelligence” gathering contractors behind the curtains, they’re just protecting America. After all, somebody’s gotta supply the enemy, might as well be us, right? And think of all the jobs created for mercenaries, the job market must be tough in this economy.
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