Right out of the gate the politicians tell us whose side they’re on: the rich minority, not the majority. The Republicans will block all legislative activity, including extending unemployment benefits until tax cuts for the wealthy are passed, and rather than fight back, the Democrats will lie down and take it.
Between the 27 billion JP and Chase handed out in bonuses and the 4 billion corporations spent on this past election, (with 2 billion of that going to TV stations owned by a handful of Fortune 500 companies), that’s 31 billion of our tax dollars into the pockets of the few. This is an example of how the wealth is being concentrated at the top.
The government with the support of Democrats and Republicans, have been cutting taxes on the rich ever since Reagan implemented his “trickle down” theory. Cut taxes at the top, and the increased income for the wealthy will trickle down to the little guy. And they’re using the same false trick with tax cuts for the rich. Cut taxes at the top and this increased earnings for the wealthy will trickle down and create jobs. It hasn’t worked yet and it never will.
The Republicans actually threaten the voters: if we don’t pass the tax cuts for the rich, taxes will go up on all Americans. Taxes on us will continue to rise, no matter if we pass the tax cuts or not. In addressing the deficit, a new national sales tax of 6.5 percent has been suggested and of course they’ll have to cut back on benefits. Gee, that sounds familiar.
Ireland was forced to do the same thing-investors in Ireland were threatening to pull their money out due to the banking crisis, so the government of Ireland had to promise to raise taxes on the people, and cut back on their benefits to get a bailout by the European Union. Austerity measures are being implemented in Greece, Spain and Portugal. France raised their retirement age and England saw violent protests over cutbacks in student aid.
Meanwhile, the Federal Reserve the bank, who prints our money, was bailing out banks both here and abroad to the tune of three trillions dollars of our tax money. Yet we don’t have the money to extend unemployment benefits here while people are loosing their homes, because of the backroom scams the banks enacted to cause the problem in the first place.
So yeah, let’s cut taxes and our throats by giving more money to the minority; the bankers, CEO’s and billionaire hedge fund managers, along with their lobbyists and political puppets. They’ll use this increased wealth to tighten the noose around our necks and the economy through propaganda, lies and threats.
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