Thomas Jefferson said “Educate and inform the whole mass of the people…They are the only sure reliance for the preservation of our liberty.”
WikiLeaks shows us how little information we’re receiving about Afghanistan. The administration doesn’t want us to know what is going on, which is reminiscent of the deceit; payoffs, contractor scamming and theft during Vietnam.
The Pentagon Papers proved that what the government knew about Vietnam, and what they were telling the American public was a whole different story. Now this administration and even journalists are calling for WikiLeaks to shut up.
Where are the journalists covering the transportation schemes; which are costing the tax payers billions to pay off Taliban war lords to transport supplies to the US troops?
Bordering Afghanistan, the government in Kyrgyzstan was overthrown and a new government was threatening to shut down a key supply base or change the terms of the lease. The US has negotiated a one year lease, so now the new ruling is that crooks can extort even more money from us. Meanwhile, the crook who was overthrown, fled the country with billions we paid him to lease the base.
Because of WikiLeaks info, when asked if the Pakistani intelligence agency, the ISI, is helping the Taliban, the head of the ISI replied “that’s absurd”, then followed with the statement “the world hates America for what they’ve done“. We’re paying the Pakistanis to help us in this “war on terror” and they hate us.
A marine reservist who served in Afghanistan said the batteries in the IED’s (implemented explosive devices) go dead and have to be replaced. Logic dictates it is the Afghani ‘civilians’ who are resetting the IED’s, which means we are fighting the Afghani population just like the US fought the Vietnamese people, many who were friendly to US soldiers by day for pay, but at night would don the black pajamas and were VC. The Afghanis hate us ‘occupiers’ like the Vietnamese hated us being there. They just want our money.
Just like Vietnam and once again, we have to ask ourselves, why are brave Americans dying for people who hate us, and why is the government lying about it?
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