The protesters were supposedly upset about taxes but in reality it is Obama’s “socialist” movement in the passing of his 787 billion dollar stimulus bill; they worry about the debt this bill will be leaving to future generations. President Bush gave billions to his banking buddies as he walked out the door and yet there were no protests nor worries about future generations.
But when President Obama spends billions domestically to help the little guy, well then that’s socialism: this is when people start protesting carrying signs, saying things like “pay your own mortgage” and “Stimulus is Socialism”. But when we hand over taxpayer money with no accounting or records to ‘give it freely with no-questions-asked’ to the bankers who got us into this mess, that’s not socialism, that’s democratic capitalism.
Where are the signs telling capitalist crooks like AIG, CitiGroup, Morgan Stanley, Bear Stearns, Merrill Lynch Bank of America and all the other banking crooks to pay for their reprehensible deeds themselves? There aren’t many and of the few they sure didn’t receive as much coverage as these tax protests on networks like Fox News owned by robber baron Rupert Murdock.
The capitalist crooks own all the networks and tell people what to think and when to protest. That’s why citizens protest and complain when the government wants to bail out our fellow citizens, but when our government doles out billions of our tax dollars to the capitalist crooks there’s nary a peep and certainly no protests organized by the media.
The true power of these protests demonstrates that those who champion for the rights of the little guy will be thwarted, while those who campaign for the rich will be enthusiastically supported.
Whatever happened to rugged American individualism where one thought for oneself? Big Brother in the form of Fox News and the mind numbing media is what happened.
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