Senator Arlen Specter said “we passed the TARP bill, $700 billion, without having a chance to study it. It was a rushed matter, and we made a lot of mistakes. There were provisions there that no one really understood.”
Fifty one billion was lost due to mismanagement in Iraq reconstruction according to a recent report and they mistakenly gave out seven hundred billion in misunderstood provisions.
That’s 751 billion given away before any stimulus bill is passed, but now Republicans are concerned about their Constitutional responsibilities to take a good look at this bill because there is too much money being thrown around. The Republicans weren‘t too concerned about their duties when it came to throwing money around in Iraq or “losing” 51 billion in reconstruction aid. (As for where the money went don’t let them kid you, it wasn’t mismanaged, the few who were in control managed to steal it very well.)
Get out of Iraq, Afghanistan and end this perpetual “war on terror” and there’s the money for the economic stimulus bill. But with all the “misunderstandings” in our deliberative bodies of government along with a president who does not want to look back, it is clear these wars will continue well into the future.
Patrick Henry said “I have but one lamp by which my feet are guided; and that is the lamp of experience. I know of no way judging the future but by my past”.
The past warns us that all warring empires crumble from within, does the need for an economic stimulus bill signify we’re on the verge of crumbling?
When that happens, who’s going to pay the price? Certainly not the few, the bailed out greedy who along with their political puppets got us into these wars and economic disaster in the first place.
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