Federal funding for expanded S-Chip health insurance for low income children was passed this year with an increased tax on cigarettes. In Massachusetts a mandatory health insurance pool was funded in part by an increased tax on cigarettes.
And it’s going well beyond just cigarettes. Here in Massachusetts the governor wants to raise gas tax with an increase yearly on top of the Feds raising the gas tax. They’re all raising the gas tax.
The state of California has an economy that is eighth in the world, larger than some countries and they’re withholding state income tax return checks. The state has also imposed forced furloughs on workers by shutting down the state offices twice a month.
President Reagan increased payroll taxes on the middle class now the Republicans said the payroll tax decrease in the stimulus bill would cost too much, so they reduced it from five hundred per individual and one thousand per couple to four hundred per individual and eight hundred per couple.
On the one hand they give us a miniscule tax break in our pay checks, but then they take it back with two hands by raising taxes on everything else we purchase, including food.
Under the guise of the “urgent” need for increased state or federal revenue they will find creative new names for taxing us, the current “recession” has created a band wagon for tax increases. Haven’t they heard “you can’t get blood from a stone”?…and they blame it on the “economic crisis“. Once taxes go up they never come down again.
Here in Massachusetts the governor is looking to increase state revenue by taxing candy, flavored drinks, alcohol and implementing tolls at the state borders.
Whatever happened to no taxation without representation? Must’ve gotten lost in the translation somehow, because all we have now IS taxation without representation.