The only reason they’re making the UAW accept more cut in wages and benefits is because it means more profits for the few.
Ever wonder why the stock market goes up when unemployment comes in at high numbers? Less workers means more profits for those at the top and the select share holders.
We’ve given billions to the banks who in turn use that money to buy smaller banks and pay out dividends. We were told that this bail out money would free up the “clogs in the system” and help the economy which hasn’t happened. The money we’re giving to big auto is not going to help our economy or save jobs.
They don’t care about us, Rick Wagoner CEO of GM thanked the White House for their decisions to “lend” big auto billions. First of all that’s an insult but more importantly it just goes to show how little the corporate CEO’s think of us. Does he even know where these billions are coming from? Mr. Wagoner needs a visit from the ghost of Christmas present to show him the suffering that’s behind those billions he’s so thankful to be receiving.
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