The Bush regime said the same thing when no WMD were found in Iraq, that the CIA got the intelligence wrong because they were victims of “group think”.
In the case of the CIA getting Iraq’s WMD wrong it wasn’t group think that was the problem, it was group intimidation, the administration wanted them to say Iraq had WMD, so that’s what they said. As Upton Sinclair said it’s hard to get a man to understand something when his salary depends on his not understanding it.
What type of sick excuse is this group think? Whatever happened to “rugged American individualism”? And what is this social contagion? It is outrageous that such things can be blamed. But of course it is an easy answer, easy to say and easy to digest. They’re dodging the bullet, just blame it on group think.
Human nature is the same today as it was when the Constitution was written. The founders understood that individuals would seek power. We no longer understand that the colossal failures on Wall Street and in Iraq are the results of individuals seeking money and power, and is not the error of group think.
John MacArthur editor of Harper’s said “In America it doesn’t matter anymore what is right or wrong. The public is conditioned to believe everything: no matter if it is emotional stories or lies on weapons of mass destruction”. Don’t be conditioned! It is group greed of the corporate crooks and their cohorts, poisoned politicians who are to blame for the trillions stolen from the tax payer to bail out Wall Street along with the thousands of lives stolen to bail out Iraq. Neither of these are the result of “group think”, it‘s more like group delusion.
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