Friday, July 31, 2009

Abolish the Federal Reserve

The Federal Reserve was created in 1913 as a central bank with a mandate from Congress to move interest rates up and down, it’s purpose was to keep prices stable and inflation low.

Thomas Jefferson said “I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our civil liberties than standing armies”. “If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation then by deflation, the banks and the corporations will grow up around them, will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered. The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs."

The current Fed Chairman Bernanke, doesn’t agree. In recent discussions of the administration’s proposed new financial regulations the Chairman said the Federal Reserve needs independence from Congressional oversight to keep politics out of the nation’s monetary policies.

Current Federal Reserve policies include the Fed doling out 80 billion for AIG, trillions for banks and financial institutions, yet the Fed didn‘t have the 40 billion needed to fill the hole in Lehman Brothers whose failure was the beginning of this global recession. Wall Street investment banks have recently posted billions in profits, was there political motivation in allowing Lehman to fail?

William Greider stated in the Nation magazine- “The Feds favoritism toward bankers is embedded in its DNA”.

President Wilson said after creating the Federal Reserve that “I am a most unhappy man. I have unwittingly ruined my country. A great industrial nation is controlled by its system of credit. Our system of credit is concentrated. The growth of the nation, therefore, and all our activities are in the hands of a few men.” We have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated Governments in the civilized world -- no longer a Government by free opinion, no longer a Government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a Government by the opinion and duress of a small group of dominant men.”

We should abolish the Federal Reserve; they are the reason we’re in this recession and why Jefferson’s predictions ring true today.

Monday, July 20, 2009

The communists are coming

Communism once was the antithesis of democracy, now we’ve embraced it with a bloodless coup.

The communist creed is “everyone from according to their wants to everyone according to their needs.” This sounds like head lines we’re hearing today in the news, that more and more Americans are buying only what they need, as opposed to they want. This is scarier than the president bringing us socialism.

We’ve recently witnessed the rise of capitalist communism; where the minority of corporate crooks control all of our government and all of our accessibility to the basic necessities in life, like food; clothing; fuel and shelter.

Corporate consolidation in our food industry created agribusiness, leaving us with fewer choices and poison food. Consolidation has eliminated the boycott as an option to fight against price gouging. If we boycott one product there’s no telling how many other products that same company is selling in the same store, rendering the boycott, a Revolutionary tool useless.

Every year health insurance premiums increase while coverage decreases. This yearly increase ensures many Americans take home much less year after year.

That’s capitalistic communism, ensuring the robber barons make more money while the rest of us are all equal in taking home less.

Thomas Jefferson believed a government should provide for a society where citizens could be industrious and work towards self improvement. How can anyone work towards self improvement when they make less every year?

Our disastrous engagement in “the grave yard of empires” in Afghanistan will lead us to bankruptcy just like it bankrupted the Soviets. The Washington Spectator, a newsletter published by the Public Concern Foundation, reports that we have spent 947 billion between Iraq and Afghanistan thus far. And we have years to go in Afghanistan, so we’re told.

We have a secretive government who spies on us and allowed billionaire hedge funds and private equity firms to precipitate the downfall of our entire financial system.

The corporate crooks control this country with an iron fist and it’s as heavy handed as that of any communist iron fist.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Cap and Trade Taxes

One aspect of the American Clean Energy and Security Bill is the Cap and Trade tax about energy corporations being required to purchase permits for the amount of pollutants they emit. The higher the output the higher the number of permits will be required.

Representative John Boehner said that the cap and trade tax will put small businesses out of business and cost American jobs. Republican Eric Cantor said this bill will impose an energy tax on people and repeated the mantra of putting small businesses out of business. The price of health insurance is preventing small businesses from hiring Americans yet we don’t hear any outrage against that. But when we try to tax the energy industry well, don’t the howls go up then.

Thanks to the good servants of Big Oil who worry about the cap and trade tax affecting small businesses the oil companies are allowed to contaminate, sicken and destroy lives with the poison their antiquated refineries belch into neighborhoods in California cities. Their refineries are old, decrepit and in need of repair. Big Oil and their market propaganda has been able to shift the focus and blame their steadfast refusal to update their refineries onto the backs of the tree huggers across the country. And it’s worked, many believe Big Oil’s propaganda. How many jobs would updating oil refineries create, how much cleaner would the air be with more efficient refineries? Not only is Big Oil polluting our earth they’re charging us top dollar for a necessity like oil for heat and gasoline for cars.

The Democrat’s dance, saying they’re creating a bill for the public good and the Republican’s dance says the Democrats are going to tax you more and we’re here to say we told you so.

In the end, any public good this bill may have in it will result with us paying more in taxes, Big Oil and Big Energy will see to that, and continue with their insane profits. Just like the US government subsidizes Big Oil for the share the OPEC countries charge for their oil, Big Energy will make sure we subsidize any penalties they pay.

Big Business will not pay the price for their pollution, we will; not only in taxes but with the additional suffering destroying the earth’s resources will bring us.