A lot of budget nonsense is being proposed which just doesn’t make sense.
Like the president’s proposal to cut back heating assistance to the elderly to 2008 levels. The $2 billion “savings” pales in comparison to the projected $1.1 trillion cost of the Medicare drug prescription plan over the next ten years. Republicans are howling about spending, yet they passed this trillion dollar giveaway to pharmaceutical conglomerates in 2003 with no concerns of how we were going to pay for it. If the Republicans are so concerned over debt they helped create, then let’s take back this trillion dollar windfall to pharmaceutical giants, oh but we can’t curb the dastardly profits corporations make at the expense of our seniors. We can only afford to medicate them, we just can’t afford heat for them.
Republican proposals include cutting funding for the FDA and the EPA.
Just last year peanut butter paste made in the state of Georgia was recalled due to contamination from bird droppings in the manufacturing plant. The federal government farmed out the responsibility for inspections to the state, who of course didn’t have the money to inspect the plants, so they went uninspected. resulting in tainted food which sickened Americans.
Last fall the salmonella out break in eggs which sickened thousands, was traced back to one egg producer with a history of numerous safety and work violations. Obviously regulation hasn’t stopped them from producing filthy food, so what is reducing funding for the nation’s food safety going to do? It will just make a failing system even worse; sickening and killing even more Americans than it does now. Will it cripple profits? Highly unlikely, there’s no stopping us from buying food.
Of course the EPA has to be de-funded, after all, pollution is good, it makes clean water scarce so then it becomes a commodity, then it becomes corporate controlled, and ‘profitable’.
Regulations do not prevent corporations from making mega profits, nor will freezing the elderly or feeding us poisoned food and water solve the deficit situation. Getting our money back from mega conglomerate global pharmaceutical corporations should be one of the first places we look to reduce the deficit.
But that’s never going to happen, we can cut social and consumer protection programs, but we can’t address the ‘problem programs’ of trillion dollar giveaways, as the political payoffs protect the corporations, instead of protecting the nation’s population.