Thursday, December 31, 2009

Banking on Failure

Thomas Jefferson warned us that if we let the banks control our currency by inflation and deflation then we’d end up homeless. And look it’s happening, the Fed (a bank) tells us they’re watching out for inflation while many Americans are waking up homeless.

In the book “Our Lot How Real Estate Came to Own Us“, author Alyssa Katz said “The generations between FDR and Reagan barely knew what homelessness was; now, nearly seven hundred thousand Americans, most of them hardly stereotypical street people, have no place to live.”

Due to increased inflation the cost of living skyrockets while good jobs vanish overseas. Not only has the government and the Federal Reserve failed to control inflation they have failed to control the banks.

The government deregulated the banks and the Fed allowed banks to take unreasonable and irresponsible risks which created the housing bubble while Alan Greenspan Fed Chairman (the one supposedly charged with keeping inflation at bay) spurred them on. When they “failed” we the people had to bail them out or else. The Bush administration rewarded this reckless behavior by doling out 700 billion in tax payer dollars with no strings attached. When the Obama administration tries to attach strings to this bail out bonanza, suddenly they’re paying back the TARP loans.

With unemployment so high, credit markets frozen and people aren’t spending, so where are the banks getting this money to pay back these loans?

Ben Bernanke current Fed Chairman said in an interview that the Fed has pumped billions into the basements of banks just in case they need it but not to worry, the banks won’t spend this money until the time is right. You know, so the spending of these Fed infused billions won’t cause more inflation.

Now the Fed is seeking to create a fund for banks similar to CD funds where these banks can keep their profits to refrain from pumping this money back into circulation. The Fed is concerned that if the banks return these profits back into society, it will cause inflation.

What is going on? How are they making profits while Americans lose their homes and their jobs? Maybe they’re paying back these loans using our money they have buried in their basements.

We have failed to heed the warnings of Thomas Jefferson about preventing “overgrown wealth” becoming “dangerous to the state”. These banks including the Federal Reserve have too much wealth and are dangerous to the financial state of our nation.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Open Letter to the Senators

Please feel free to copy my letter, ammend it or leave it as is, but please send it to your Senator today. Thanks!
Dear Senator Kerry,
According to an AP article in December sixth’s newspaper, the Senate is going to cut 42 billion in Medicare spending on home health care. More people will die in institutions rather than at home thanks to this cut. How cruel.

Insurance companies have been allowed to consolidate and monopolize the market allowing them to fix prices and eliminate competition across the country, this is why so many people lack health insurance. To solve the health insurance debacle the giant insurance corporations need to be busted up. Perhaps that’s the avenue you should be investigating rather than looking for cuts in Medicare.

Thomas Jefferson believed one of the government’s roles in society was to prevent corporations from taking the bread out of the mouth of the laborer who has earned it. As a representative of the people, you have failed that role. First you let the banks steal half the value of my home, then you let the corporations steal the value of my labor, now you've let the insurance compnaies steal the value of my life.

A large part of the problem today is that we measure value in dollars only. As long as you’re a health insurance premium paying consumer you have value. But when you become sick, injured or fatally ill and the insurance companies have to spend money on you, (as in when you need home health care), that’s when we become liabilities, we lose value. How can a ‘for profit’ corporation interested only in cutting costs for the ‘bottom line’ decide how much medical care a person gets? There is something ethically and morally wrong going on here.

We give banks seventeen trillion and we’ll spend three trillion on war in Afghanistan alone, not even counting the trillions in Iraq, but we don’t have 42 billion for Americans. Surely you can see there’s something wrong with this picture Senator. Andrew Jackson said one man with courage makes a majority. Where is that one man today?


Nancy T. Lindsay

Registered Voter

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Stopping the Spread of "Ism's"

During Vietnam the country was told we were there “to stop the spread of communism.” Now we’re being told we’re in Afghanistan to prevent it from becoming a safe haven for Al Qaeda and to stop the spread of terrorism.

Al Qaeda does not need Afghanistan for a safe haven, they enjoy safe harbor around the globe as witnessed by suicide bombings in Iran, Iraq, India, Saudi Arabia, the Philippines, Somalia, England, Spain and Afghanistan just to name a few.

Suicide bombings are a tactic of Al Qaeda. Compare sending ninety-six thousand soldiers to Afghanistan to route out 100 members of Al Qaeda, to loading up an individual with a suicide vest. Their main weapon is cheap and inexhaustible while we spend trillions.

We’re told this “war” in Afghanistan is vital to national interest. We’re paying thugs, warlords and the Taliban to keep them from attacking convoys that supply the US troops. The son of an Afghani minister provides the security which he obtains through the cousin of the Afghan president Harmid Karzai. How is paying these people millions in our national interest?

There are two things to do to stop the spread of terrorism. One is to solve the Palestinian Israeli crisis and the other action needed is to get out of Arab lands. These are the main recruiting tools terrorists use to wage jihad around the globe. Eliminate these reasons and we stop the growth of terrorism.

The US was able to win two wars and develop the atom bomb in four years, yet we can’t solve our reliance on oil to end this “war on terror” Why is that?