From the time of the Depression up until the ’80’s, we had laws against usury, (usury means setting people up to fail) and now, without these protections the credit card companies have been setting people up to fail for decades.
Nancy Trejos journalist for the Washington Post said “…in the 1980s when the usury laws were relaxed, when credit scores were created, and suddenly card companies that used to have this one-size-fits-all approach were able to tailor terms and conditions, you know, according to the person's risk. Credit card companies were raising interest rates on existing balances for any time, for any reason. They were also charging excessive fees, not giving consumers enough time to make their payments, and they were doing some aggressive marketing of credit cards to college students, to people under 21.”
The Credit Card Accountability, Responsibility and Disclosure Act just singed by the president brings some measure of regulation to an industry which had been allowed to run rampant and make billions gouging Americans in excessive late fees and penalties.
With these new rules the credit card companies are threatening to raise interest rates on everyone, including all those who pay their bills on time! And they will be ‘forced’ to with hold credit because it’s too risky. Ha that’s a laugh, who owns these credit card companies? Banks, the same banks the taxpayer has bailed out for taking too much risk. Banks like JPMorgan Chase and Bank of America to name two.
Interest rates on credit cards may go to eighteen percent yet we the tax payers lent JPMorgan Chase 40 billion to buy Bear Stearns at three and a half percent interest. How does that work?
Just like we’re told the financial collapse was due to people who couldn’t pay their mortgages, banks issuing credit cards say credit will be tighter with higher rates due to the new laws.
This new legislation is only on the surface, because it doesn’t return us to the protections against usury, credit card companies will find other ways to bilk us out of billions. Subsequently, the capitalist crooks ruling this nation will continue to set us up then pull the rug out from underneath our feet, while our paid off politicians look the other way.