We had rules in place that should have prevented companies like AIG from getting “too big to fail”, it was called the Federal Trade Commission (FTC). But the corporate crooks along with their crony politicians did away with the FTC having any real power to prevent corporations from getting “too big to fail”. Now the Treasury Secretary wants new powers to take over financial institutions before they get to the critical stage of failure. Don’t we already have that power? Doesn’t the American tax payer own 80 percent of AIG, is that not a takeover? Haven’t we pumped billions into the largest banks in the country already? How much more power does he need?
Geithner was head of the Federal Reserve in New York when that massive 700 billion bank bailout was being engineered which indicates to me he’s on the side of the bankers and not the citizens.
The other financial bomb shell is that the Treasury and the Obama administration have set up a government funded program to sell the trillion dollars of “toxic assets” of banks to investors through private and public partnership.
Paul Krugman 2008 Nobel prize winner for economics states “In a way, we'd like to make the whole story of these assets go away. The only reason that they're there, the only reason it's an issue is because the banks have lost so much money that they are not effective at their job of passing funds from one end of the economy to the other.”
The government is investing tax payer dollars in the same toxic assets that got us into this trouble in the first place.
To quote Krugman “it’s not the toxic assets that are the problem, it’s the toxic banks that are the problem.” We could take it a step further and say it’s not the regulations that were the problem, it’s the people who have failed to enforce the regulations who are the problem.
Will these companies who buy the toxic assets become too big to fail? And who are these investors? They only risk 15 percent of the loan and the tax payer takes on the other 85 percent of the loan’s risk. It’s a good deal for the investors, but a raw deal for the citizen.
And what’s in these toxic assets but homes loans? If the few investors were to buy these assets won’t a lot of our debt be in the hands of the few? Where’s the FTC when it’s needed?
Many in the country are concerned Obama is leading us into being a socialist nation. It is not socialism he is leading us into, we’re being led into Big Brother governance with the corporate crooks in control. Tim Geithner’s quest for more power and the federally guaranteed loans to sell these “toxic assets” are two more steps in the direction of Big Brother.