The US Treasury Department under the Bush regime are sinking over one hundred and fifty billion dollars of the seven hundred billion dollar bail out into 9 banks and these banks are going to use that that money to pay dividends and CEO salaries! Imagine, the American tax payer is subsidizing CEO salaries and dividends. That money is supposed to free up the “clogs in the system” of the credit pipeline but instead it’s being flushed down the drain into the sewers of greedy pockets.
As of this moment the banks are being told they can’t do this, it’s not part of the bail out bill, but even if the banks don’t get away with this publicly, they’ll get away with it behind closed doors, they’ll just be more careful to keep all information secret.
None the less, this goes to show what happens when the bail out bill is administered by former CEO of Goldman Sachs Henry Paulson as Secretary of the Treasury who has surrounded himself with former Goldman Sachs alumnus. Neel Kashkari under secretary and overseer of “spreading the wealth” of the tax payer bail out learned the tricks of the trade at Goldman Sachs. Two of Paulson’s current advisors along with Bush’s Chief of Staff Josh Bolton worked for Goldman Sachs. And it was Bolton who had suggested Henry Paulson for Secretary of the Treasury in 2006 when Paulson took over the position.
On the same day this bail out bill was passed the NY Times had an article about a meeting that took place in 2004 when Paulson was CEO of Goldman Sachs. Paulson along with other CEO’s of the largest investment banks on Wall Street pressured the SEC to lower the regulations on how much capital these investment banks had to have in reserve. Once the amount was lowered, these investment banks used this “freed up capital” to invest in mortgage backed securities, credit debt obligations (CDO’s) and other Wall Street swindles derived from sub prime mortgages.
Now we have Paulson who was part of the problem dictating the solutions with tax payer dollars. Is this a conflict of interest for our Treasury Secretary? Why did Paulson bail out Bear Stearns and AIG but let Lehman Brothers fail? The failure of Lehman Brothers is the catalyst that led to the world wide financial meltdown.
Even a British journalist questioned the lack of investigation as to why Lehman Brothers failed. Maybe there’s no investigation because the failure of Lehman Brothers benefits Goldman Sachs. Treasury Secretary Paulson amassed 700 million while CEO of Goldman Sachs, where does his loyalty lie?
During the presidential campaign of 2008 there was fear mongering that Barack Obama is a commie or a socialist. Which would be a comical charge if the socialists for the rich weren’t in the Treasury at this moment stealing our tax dollars to subsidize salaries of CEO’s who ran banks into the ground.
We can see why the founders distrusted banks, without regulation banks gain the upper hand in redirecting the deposits of the many into the hands of the few.
As Patrick Henry said- “I know of no way judging the future but by the past.”. If we want to see where we’re going we should look at where we’ve been. History shows us it does not bode well for the many when the power and wealth are concentrated into the hands of the few, which the corporations and our government are currently enacting.