Apparently our federal government’s only interests are the war and the wealthy, as evidenced by the tax payer funding of a trillion dollars for Iraq and a trillion dollars to bail out Wall Street.
Rather than give the 700 billion to the bankers who got us into this mess to begin with, why not invest it in Americans with good ideas? Whenever the politicians want to push through shady measures the situation is always so urgent there’s no time to wait, it’s an emergency! Senator John Kyl said the bail out is so urgent we don’t have time for ideas.
Rather than give the 700 billion to the bankers who got us into this mess to begin with, why not invest it in Americans with good ideas? Whenever the politicians want to push through shady measures the situation is always so urgent there’s no time to wait, it’s an emergency! Senator John Kyl said the bail out is so urgent we don’t have time for ideas.
One entrepreneur has the idea of developing a way to make oil from mold. But of course this idea and many like them are finding it very difficult to obtain funding. Gee maybe some of that 700 billion could help this entrepreneur develop alternative energy sources, because that’s what we really need to get out of our current mess, get off the oil. That and a redistribution of wealth.
Oh but that smacks of communism you say, so that’s a no go. At this point we are no longer a republic, the feds have nationalized the mortgage industry, socialized losses on Wall Street, subsidized the oil industry and privatized wars all with tax payer dollars, therefore a serious redistribution of wealth is sorely needed to get this country back on track. America used to be a place where you could get ahead through hard work, effort, determination and doing without. Not so today.
Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis said you can have the power and wealth in the hands of the few or you can have a democracy but you can’t have both. If this current economic meltdown and impending credit crisis doesn’t show everyone what happens with the concentration of wealth into the hands of the few than nothing will.
All the talking heads in DC are telling us if we don’t do something fast our retirement and college funds will dry up, there’ll be no more credit loans for cars, millions will lose their homes and jobs. As if these things haven’t been happening for decades thanks to NAFTA and banking deregulation. Why do you think they changed the rules for bankruptcy a few years ago? They saw this coming, they knew it was imminent.
No one has said that this bail out will work, only that if we don’t do it we‘ll be in a recession. The more they say it the more fear it instills to all Americans.
We are not descended from fearful people, the founders risked their lives and their fortunes to establish the United States of America. Don’t let them blackmail us into becoming Amerika home of the scared and land of the financially enslaved.